Corporate Governance

Corporate governance

At Solplast, a company of the Armando Alvarez Group, we are governed by the rules, policies, principles and procedures that regulate the Group, thus maintaining a strong commitment to regulatory compliance and business ethics. These rules, policies, principles and procedures set the standards of behaviour that we expect from all the collaborators who have a relationship with us: managers, employees, suppliers...


In addition, we have a Regulatory Compliance Programme and a to promote an ethical culture and good practices in the company, and to reasonably prevent, detect and manage the risks associated with non-compliance with the rules that affect the company.

These rules, policies, principles and procedures are set out in our Corporate Governance.

Learn about the Armando Alvarez Group's Corporate Governance standards

A universe of solutions

Armando Álvarez y Solplast

Solplast is the agricultural plastics division of the Armando Alvarez Group. We have been transforming farming since 1986 through research, technology and creativity in specialised plastics. We cover all market needs, from start to finish, with the widest and most specialised range of agricultural plastics.

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