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By publicising its QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY, the management of SOLPLAST, S.A. aims to acknowledge its importance within the company. On the other hand, it fully embraces its responsibility regarding the quality of the products and services offered (in accordance with the Product definition). To guarantee proper management of its Quality Assurance System, it will consolidate its staff’s goals. This policy will become part of the company’s strategic Plan.

SOLPLAST, S.A. will focus on the following items:



The company’s Quality Assurance Policy includes the commitment to comply with pertinent legislation, rules and regulations, as well as other requirements subscribed by the organisation. In other words, the company will make sure that it complies with all current and future legislation that is applicable. 

SOLPLAST, S.A. meets the requirements of its customers and all those that the organisation voluntarily subscribes, including a commitment to improve working conditions and occupational health protection for its employees, ongoing improvement of management and compliance with Employee Health and Safety. 


Will provide the structure and the resources to develop the implemented Quality Management System, as well as measure and review the established goals.
The company will establish and maintain a Quality Management System. To this end quality will be documented in all aspects, recorded in its operations and monitoring systems.


This Policy is appropriate to the nature of the products and services provided by SOLPLAST, S.A., ensuring the goals of the organisation pertaining to them. 

To this purpose the company will work towards: 

  • Eliminating or reducing any deviation that happens and is detected.

  • Efficiently using the elements of the Management System that is implemented, by correctly identifying the requirements specified by customers and their expectations, recorded during the relation between SOLPLAST, S.A. and each of them during the supply of the product.

  • Assessing the risks and hazards for Quality Assurance and the Environment, controlling and minimising them at all times, by effectively implementing the HACCP system and the Quality Assurance and Environmental Risk Analysis.

  • Preventing plastic waste from ending up in landfills or abandoned in unsuitable places. This is why we are committed to reintroducing plastic waste into the production process. SOLPLAST, S.A. will increase its efforts to develop its recycling plant by certifications that guarantee the traceability, quality and commitment to the environment of its products (EUCERTPLAST, AENOR).

  • Controlling and reducing its carbon footprint by using energy from renewable sources and activities that lead to CO2 fixation.

  • By becoming aware that part of its activity may be developed through the food chain, SOLPLAST, S.A. undertakes to inform its customers and consumers on any matter pertaining to food safety that may affect them.

  • Minimize the loss of pellets in the marine environment through the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) program. To do this, it maintains the Risk Analysis system that guarantees the correct IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF PELLET OR PELLET LOSSES.
All this is to meet the satisfaction rating defined in the goals for each tax year. 


Ongoing improvement of the products and services offered within the scope of their relation to Quality Assurance will be encouraged, assessing in advance the repercussions of any new development. Work will continue on the development and implementation of the tools necessary to improve the products and services offered, with the aim to minimise any non-conformities detected in the SOLPLAST, S.A. operations.

To this end, the necessary Preventive (to prevent any defects from happening) and Corrective Actions (to prevent repeat defects) will be taken during product manufacture. These actions will be taken to encourage initiatives to improve the features and performance of the products and services offered, as well as to increase process efficacy and efficiency.


We must publicise, monitor and demand that the Rules and actions established in the Procedure Manuals are known and observed in order to guarantee that the Policy principles are properly applied. 

SOLPLAST, S.A. will promote the publication of the Quality Assurance and Environmental best practises for the products and services offered in all areas where it participates or has access, communicating, working on and training its employees to improve the activities they themselves perform. 

SOLPLAST, S.A. environmental concern will encourage internal and external communication at all levels among areas and companies, which will be passed on to the staff and to the market. It will also take into account the internal and external relations with stakeholders in order to direct the activities towards meeting their needs. 


By publishing this Quality Assurance Policy we aim to join our forces to achieve our goals. To do this, we will implement procedures that establish these Goals and Purposes, as well as review them and the Policy itself, in order to maintain its efficiency and adapt to the changes in our environment.


SOLPLAST, S.A. employees will be involved in the company’s Quality management, and mechanisms will be implemented to encourage their sense of RESPONSIBILITY and INVOLVEMENT in this field.


SOLPLAST, S.A. encourages external communication, both with suppliers and customers, as well as with the relevant authorities, to inform on their own concerns as well as the needs of their customers.

In compliance with the requirements and expectations of the market, of the constituent parties and of stakeholders, and supporting the company’s strategic management, SOLPLAST, S.A. will do its best so that this Quality Assurance Policy is notified, understood and accepted both by the staff and by the SOLPLAST, S.A. Governing board and that it is available to the relevant stakeholders.

Adopting this functional Policy is a requirement for any aspect of SOLPLAST, S.A.’s activity. To achieve these items the company will apply a Quality Management System that meets the requirements set forth in the Standard ISO 9001.

To successfully implement this Policy, the individual involvement and concern by all employees that work under this Management is essential.

Lorca, on December 12th, 2022. SOLPLAST, S.A.-MANAGEMENT

quality and environment policy

A universe of solutions

Armando Álvarez y Solplast

Solplast is the agricultural plastics division of the Armando Alvarez Group. We have been transforming farming since 1986 through research, technology and creativity in specialised plastics. We cover all market needs, from start to finish, with the widest and most specialised range of agricultural plastics.

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